This is a picture of my host sister, Mira! We are in our study room doing homework and things.
So I started school three days ago and it is so different from school at home. Its fun though, we sit around and talk a lot so I have gotten to know many people. I have one group of students for my class and I have all of my classes with them. I have lots of new classes too! I can take drama, singing, dance, computer class, and two french classes. Very cool! The school is very large though, I keep getting lost wherever I go, but its ok.
Yeah, I get lost on the public transport a lot too. But I LOVE IT! Now that I have a monthly pass all that I have to do is walk up to a subway, bus, or tram and get on it. I take a bus and subway (which they call a metro, not subway) to school.
Yesterday was also my first Magyar lesson from AFS. I got kind of lost in Deli station for a while, but I walked into another American AFSer and he was with his host brother so we got to the AFS headquarters.
I went to an anime shop right next to my school yesterday, and it had Miyazaki things! It was very exciting to see. Today my whole class went to buy books after school, there are so many places to go in Budapest!
Ok, so I'm not so sick anymore which is great, all of the afsers had something, but anyways. I'm having a good time here, hope the US is fun!!!
Which a lot of people call me.
send me a jiji doll!!!!! do they have them?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
totoro objects i need? other crap i need? i need something cool from there AND the vampirok soundtrack! i have a list for you.......
Sounds like things are going great. Miyazaki too - awesome...hope the Hungarians goes well...
sorry - Hungarian goes well...
Doing homework with Youtube on the screen. Love it.
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