Well its sunday here, morning. Two days ago I went with my 'angel' as they call them here to (liason in the US) to this massive church. It was so cool! Huge and MASSIVE and very cool. We went all the way to the top and got to walk around. The view was absolutly amazing there, I could see the entirety of Budapest. I could see the same communist buildings that I mentioned when I first got here too. I guess that everyone in Budapest thinks that they are just as ugly as I do. But its very interesting. There is a great expanse of old building and squares and statures, then row after row of gray rectangles out in the distance.
But anyway, it was an amazing view. We sat on the steps after and had tiramisu, I've never had that before I don't think. Its so amazing to think, hey, I'm in Budapest having tiramisu on the steps of some ancient building. Yeah, it was pretty awesome.
Yesterday we went to Szekesfehervar again. I got to pick loads of black eyes peas, but I didn't get the chance to shell them because we went to watch my host sister ride a horse for a minute and that turned in to all day. I met this 10 year old boy who was hysterical. He has a load of horses and the tinyest little kitty (cica). When Mira got back we went for a bike ride. Or I guess that I should say I went for a bicycle ride, they went for a motercycle ride... through the forest. Its very diffucult to keep up to motercycles when you are on a bike. And I did feel a bit like Harry Potter in the side car. But it was ok. I can say that I didn't polute the environment.
We got back pretty late last night, Budapest is very cool to drive through at night. OK, sziastok!
Boldog Sulinapot JP!

yay!!!!! not polluting is good!
kitties!!!!!!!!!!! XD
youre a funny sister! its all architecture, and like, no people. not even the movie had people! its cool, but where is everyone? :)
i was all alone for like 30 minutes and needed something to do, so i took a movie. and its weird, lots of people here dont want me to take their picture, i was going to make a movie of my class but they were all like NO! so i take pictures of the weird buildings instead.
Szep kepek.Nice pictures.
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