Its finally officially fall! Which is very exciting. All of the trees are nice colors and its comfortable to go outside with a coat!
So Halloween here is basically non existent, unless you count the 'Claires' like stores and MATCH shops that sell little plastic pumpkin bracelets and little witches made of hay. They do have a kind of death remembrance day on the first of November though. Everyone who has had family members who've died, goes to the cemeteries and give them flowers.
Another holiday, already passed, is the 1956 revolution day. At school the grade below us put on a play about it. Margit Hid was all decked out in flags, it was so pretty.
Though there is no real Halloween here, I couldn't not get a pumpkin like object to celebrate, some things just can't be let go. I went to a giant market and found that little squash. I then proceeded to get completely and utterly lost in some tourist district. I still don't have any idea where I was. I think maybe I went out the back of the market and just kept going, away from Kalvin Ter. I realised there was something wrong when i reached the Duna and saw Gellert Hill looming at me from the other side. The market isn't anywhere near Gellert Hill. Oh, well. It was quite interesting though. Perhaps I will someday develop a sense of direction. Ok, Happy Halloween!
Getting lost can be fun!!!
thats a sad, sad pumpkin ve....
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