Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Cave

All great trips are accompanied by some kind of mortifying adventure, right? Well, that would have been today. In.... THE CAVE.....

I slept over at my friends house yesterday and we went with her host family to"walk around some caves," which we did, to a point. The first time we saw one of the low parts of the cave we began to worry, claustrophobia and lack of oxygen fore-front in our brains. Those were some smaaaaall holes. My hard hat could hardly get through, thus resulting in lack of light as my head lamp decided to fly off and fall apart. We got it back together eventually, with me sitting in a crevice. I can't decide whether it was at the bottom of where we were climbing or not, so many ups and downs. All I know is that it was small and very deep. The stalactites were cool though. Definitely not the most desirable for gripping, but cool nonetheless. We saw some urchin fossils and shells and crystals too. At one point I found this awesome shard of something shiny just laying there on the ground, that was hard to resist. Oh well. Pretty crazy place, you definitely feel like you aren't really on earth and in a way you aren't, you re in it.

The rest of the journey continued in much the same way, until we got lost. Our main guide (there were two) had forgotten the keys to get us out the door to the other end, so he went back for them. And, well, I guess the other one didn't really know the way. We took a wrong turn at one of the crevices and went a route that I don't think humans were ever meant to travel, let alone without ropes and gear. Yeah. It went straight up, like a well. It was about the same size and shape too, and wet. But mostly you just got showered by rocks as the person in front of you climbed. Well, I thought I was going to die. No joke. Eventually we did make it to the top, only to find more tiny holes. Then our guide realised it was really a dead end. Great. So back down the hole of doom we went to skooch on our stomachs and backs and other random body parts until we could get to a hole big enough to crouch in. Weewww. But we did it. After we corrected our wrong turn we found the stairs. Hallelujah!

So yeah, that's today's news. Sorry if it sounds over dramatic. I have to go now, its about 11pm here. Bye, Ve


B.W. said...

Yeah, that doesn't freak me out at all.

Anonymous said...

so should we go explore the caves in Pensilvania? (sp?)


love you!
